Mark Yeandle

Sponsored by

  • Busan Metropolitan City

Published by
Z/Yen Group & Busan Metropolitan City (November 2014), 18 pages.

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Maritime Financial Centres

Commissioned by Busan Metropolitan City, this special report provides an overview of the maritime sector including major ports and related maritime financial centres. Global trade growth drives global shipping growth. It is quite clear that Asia, and in particular China, now leads in terms of the number and size of ports. And shipping and trade require finance. As expected, leading ports generally tend to be major financial centres too. The report concludes that the five leading Asian shipping centres, Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Busan, will expand their maritime financial business.

This free-to-download report was published as a supplement to the Global Financial Centres Index 16, as part of the Financial Centres Futures programme in November 2014 (press release).