Press Release: Esop Centre, New Year, New Times

Wednesday, 01 January 2020

As of 1 January 2020, Z/Yen has taken on the administration and management of Esop Centre.


The Employee Share Ownership (Esop) Centre is a non-profit subscription based organisation which draws from over 30 years of experience to inform, lobby and research in the interest of developing all forms of broad-based employee share ownership plans in the UK and Europe. The Centre works with governments, the European Commission, businesses and employee organisations to build widespread support for employee share ownership and spread the wages of capital.

We at Z/Yen are very excited about this development and intend to continue very much with business-as-usual in terms of numbers of events, the newsletter, and even costs. We also hope to add a number of services from the FS Club and access to more events and newsletters.

Malcolm Hurlston, the founder, will remain as Chairman for a significant period yet, and Life President is our longer-term intention. Juliet Wigzell, the General Manager, transfers to Z/Yen. Fred Hackworth, International Director & Editor of Newspad retains his traditional role.

Esop Centre fits very nicely with Long Finance's work on UN Sustainable Development Goal 10 (inequality) -; with FS Club as a special interest area; with Z/Yen as a whole looking at financial services research.

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