Catalysing The Green Development Pact Through Financial Architecture Reform
Afternoon Tea and Seminar

Format: Afternoon Tea and Seminar in the City of London

Topic: In order to finance the Green Development Pact and prevent climate physical risk undermining the development progress made since 1944, we must redesign our finance system to place climate action, sustainable development, and prosperity for all at the heart of a purpose-driven international financial architecture. Cascading crises from finance, nature, climate, and development will require a coordinated and systematic response, with collaborative global finance reform in line with the same spirit and historic ambition of Bretton Woods.


15:00—Arrival and registration

15:15—Welcome by Jay Fossett, hexTerra

15:20—Catalysing The Green Development Pact Through Financial Architecture Reform with Dr Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors Plc

15:40 — Panel Discussion , Correcting The “Greatest Market Failure The World Has Ever Seen”: Carbon Pricing And The Carbon Transition, Chaired by Simon Mills, Senior Associate, Z/Yen Group, with Gabe Sheets Poling, hexTerra, James R. Kellner, Brown University, and Richard Folland, Carbon Tracker Initiative

16:30 —Afternoon Tea & Networking Break

16:50—Hard Architecture with Professor Alderman Michael Mainelli, Chairman, Z/Yen Group

17:00— Panel Discussion, Sketching The Roadmap: Embedding Climate Roadmaps In The International Financial Architecture, Chaired by Mike Wardle, CEO, Z/Yen Group, with Rongrong Huo, Managing Director, Ninety One, Aimin Yang, China Construction Bank, and Brendan Curran, The London School Of Economics And Political Science

17:45—Closing Remarks by Meghan Edge, hexTerra

17:50—Refreshments & Networking


Tuesday, 23 May 2023

15:00 - 18:30 BST



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  • steve-waygood-9176 (resized).jpg
    Dr Steve Waygood
    Chief Responsible Investment Officer
    Aviva Investors Plc
  • michael Mainelli.png
    Professor Michael Mainelli
    Z/Yen Group
  • Mike 3 (2)-min.jpg
    Mike Wardle
    CEO & Head of Indices
    Z/Yen Group

Saddlers' Hall
40 Gutter Ln
London EC2V 6BR

Venue Info

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