Fish Market Game

Original idea and code by Matthew Leitch
Visit Matthew's Website: Internal Controls Design

This game simulates selling fish at a fish market. You control the price, up or down. Visitors enter from time to time and each is willing to spend a different amount on one fish. Some are limited by their funds. Your sale will always be to the person willing and able to pay the most. After they've bought a fish they leave. If you need more time to think then click the button to slow the game down. You can start adjusting the price now if you like, or wait to see how sales progress.
100 mins left
0 fish sold for a total of 0p
Tasty little fishies, only 40p

If you'd like to know more about liquidity, check out Michael Mainelli's Gresham Lecture, "Liquidity: Finance In Motion Or Evaporation?" – London, England (5 September 2007).