We have an interest in the well-being of our network of experts. Because of this we offer networking events; workshops and training in areas such as presentation, negotiation and project management. We can also offer other services such as forward focussed career coaching and mentoring (this is done in association with a strategic partner of ours - Clifton Partnership). We are also developing an online CV builder which will allow you to enter your details and then generate several formats of CV (which have been tested and which we know to be successful forms of presentation). We also make a pledge to experts who join our network:
- Prior to interview, experts are briefed on the scope and objectives of the assignment.
- Experts' details and Curriculum Vitae are confidential and will only be shown to clients with permission from the expert.
- We appoint an Assignment Director to oversee each project and hold monthly progress reviews with both the expert and the client. The Assignment Director is also available for consultation with the expert when required.
- Experts are paid using risk/reward contracts where success fees are based on client satisfaction and achievement of objectives.
- We are open with our experts regarding rates of pay and the rates at which the expert is billed to the client.
- Experts are paid within a week of the client paying us.
- We negotiate notice periods with our clients. These give the expert a greater degree of security than generally available in this type of work.