Z/Yen Setting The Standards For Broker Performance

Monday, 30 June 2003
By Now&ZYen


Z/Yen's practice in the finance sector has recently been strengthened by several new projects and new associates. Projects include two market surveys for the London Clearing House together with work for individual banks and two new market wide surveys of the Operational Performance of Brokers (OPB). These OPB surveys are becoming the market standard for how fund managers measure broker's operations groups. Continuing from last year's successful UK survey, this year Z/Yen will be surveying around 80 fund managers in the US, UK and Europe. To support this work, we welcome new associates, Francis Halliwell, Derek Long, David Pearce, James Pitcher and Jonathan Davies. Ian Harris seemed unusually pleased when he learnt of these early summer wins and especially the associate signings, but then it is a dangerous time of year for Z/Yen associates. Several unsuspecting newbies found themselves press-ganged (see following item).