Following Michael Mainelli and Anthony Hene’s tour de force at the Charity Investment Forum, Z/Yen are eager to flex their public speaking muscles in front of the not-for-profit sector. Ian Harris followed with a stunning display of technical virtuosity (we’re allowed these terms in an informal newsletter) in front of the Charity Finance Directors’ Group Annual Conference on 13 May, where he enumerated the principles of collaborative working in the voluntary sector. Z/Yen’s next exhibitionist display will be the June launch of the Strategic Planning Society’s new Voluntary Sector Special Interest Group, where Michael will join Ian Bruce of RNIB and Roger Perrin on the podium. In July Stephen Martin and Mary O’Callaghan will pool their resources at the Institute of Fundraising’s annual convention, discussing how senior fundraisers can apply “Evidence of Worth”. Come September, Michael and Anthony travel to Manchester to the Charity Accountants’ Conference to discuss charity expenditure and also to present some results from our study of voluntary sector insurance. Anyone who makes it to all of these Z/Yen charity appearances deserves a special sponsorship award for endurance! Contact for more details on any of these events.