Z/Lebrity Wrestling

Tuesday, 01 March 2005
By Now&ZYen


The team at Z/Yen once again managed to broaden its cultural horizons with an outing to Elstree Studios to watch the recording of 2005’s hottest new TV show, Celebrity Wrestling. James, Giles, Francesca, Mark, Jeremy (Jnr.) and Michael all enjoyed the showbiz spectacular although our very own theatrical connoisseur, Ian, was conspicuous by his absence. The team spent the evening cheering on Jenny Powell (Z/Yen’s adopted ‘celeb’) as she battled valiantly against Victoria Silvstedt in a series demanding and skilful contests. This showpiece bout was complemented by other Z-List celebrities dressed in ridiculous costumes such as James Hewitt, sprinter Ewan Thomas, Kate Lawler….the list of Zuperstars just goes on and on!

Needless to say a fine evening was had by all which was later enhanced by a trip to the pub followed by the ubiquitous visit to one of Borehamwood’s fine (and plentiful) kebab shops. If you are still intrigued and would like to view Michael punching the air whilst shouting “Go Jenny!” then keep your eye out for the show on ITV on Saturday evenings.