Why Do New Z/Yen Folk Speak Spanish?

Friday, 31 May 1996
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen has two new recruits since the last issue of Now and Z/Yen: Roxanne Recordon and Teresa Bestard. Roxanne, better known as Rox, helps to make the St Helen’s Place office happen and speaks Spanish in her spare time. Rox previously worked in Hong Kong. Jokes such as " is Rox here or is our Rox off?" are too obvious to print. Almost as obvious as making jokes about Teresa’s second name, which of course we would never dream of doing.

Teresa, who hails from Catatonia, joined on a Monday, was whisked straight off to one of Ian Harris’ mysterious clients and has not been seen since. She went armed with Rox’s map showing her directions back to the office.