Perhaps having seen several too many Omen sequels, the PropheZy team of Alan Helmore-Simpson, Dimitris Fatouros, Lonnie Hamm and others work with Michael to process some interesting datasets in earnest.For those of you unfamiliar with this tale, PropheZy builds dynamic anomaly and pattern response systems in minutes. Z/Yen is building predictors for scheduling television programmes, identifying failed trades in investment banks, setting customer targets for sales, working out your audit costs, calculating model risk prices, evaluating operational risk metrics for banks, setting partner performance targets for professional firms, cleaning databases for charities and other vital applications which use historic data to predict future results, for instance how many people will turn up at a Z/Yen networking event on a boat on the Thames.Standardised test results on PropheZy, ranging from gene splicing to satellite imagery, have turned out to be excellent.Unfortunately, the team struggle over very serious issues, such as the byline. For instance, should we say that results are “as foretold by PropheZy”, “enlightened by PropheZy”, “the truth according to PropheZy”, “as fulfilled by PropheZy” or even “the gift of PropheZy”? Eschewing blasphemy, the Z/Yen board has gone all biblical, drawing on 1 Corinthians 14:22; “prophecy, however, is for believers, not for unbelievers”. Hmmm…we shall foresee.