Z/Yen is conducting two very interesting assignments for the Natural Environment Research Council, the UK body that funds virtually all government environmental research, in conjunction with the London Accord and Long Finance. Both projects focus on the question “where’s the data?”. The projects explore investments in forestry or water and what decisions investors or advisors need to make. Equally, what scientific data and models do financial services firms use to support their decisions and might they want other kinds of data or research? The projects are being conducted in close association with the National Centre for Earth Observation and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. There are a couple of workshops taking place for each project in the City of London, and public reports should be published in the autumn. Z/Yen intend to present the materials at future Long Finance and London Accord events. Members of the Z/Yen community who feel that they might have something to contribute are most welcome to get in touch with stephanie_rochford@zyen.com on forests or leonor_fishman@zyen.com on water. Of course Z/Yen wags have muttered that it’s no surprise that our work on sustainable forestry and fish over the past few years finally got our deep thinkers wondering where they all are and when will they ever learn?