We’ll All Be Better Off – Payroll Giving

Wednesday, 01 December 2004
By Now&ZYen


Z/Yen has been awarded a major contract by the Institute of Fundraising to run a managed service for the innovative new Payroll Giving campaign, announced in the Chancellor’s pre budget statement on 2 December. Tagged “We’ll All Be Better Off” and ominously abbreviated to WABBO, this scheme provides grants to organizations employing fewer than 500 people to help them set up payroll giving schemes. When you factor in tax relief, a monthly Payroll Giving donation of £10 costs a higher rate taxpayer only £6. In addition, for the first six months of an employee’s Payroll Giving, the Government will match up to £10 per month pound for pound, making the donation worth £20 to the charity. To be clear, Giles, the Chancellor will not give you a free doner kebab with every kebab you buy; this is about matching funds for charity donors. Many Now & Z/Yen readers will have already seen the publicity around this campaign, although the official launch will be in January. Ian Harris is directing the Z/Yen work; the service will be managed by Linda Cook, who will be ably assisted by Helen Davies, Becky Dawson and no doubt others as the campaign grows and thrives. This is a prestigious and exciting string to our charity sector bow. Please contact Ian or Linda for now if you want to know more about it.