We Could All Be Better Off - Betting

Wednesday, 01 December 2004
By Now&ZYen


Christmas could come early for readers of Now & Z/Yen if they read "Betting on the Future: Online Gambling Goes Mainstream Financial": by Michael Mainelli and Sam Dibb. Michael and Sam's work was published by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation and there was a major workshop on the topic this month. The basic thesis is that increased liquidity in online gambling means that some traditional financial products, e.g. football player bonus insurances, will be challenged and that some innovative new financial products shall arise, e.g. house price hedges via bets on sale indices. Of particular interest to Now & Z/Yen readers who like adventurous opportunities to make a quick buck, the report contains some pretty much fool-proof advice on how to beat the bookie. Please contact Michael if you would like a copy of the paper.