Wat Anudder Banker?

Wednesday, 01 March 2000
By Now&ZYen


Ruthless readers of Z/Yen press releases, both the drunk and the psychotic, can hardly have failed to notice the recent addition of another banker. Jeremy Smith, ex Managing Director of Bankers Trust and Deutsche Bank joins as Z/Yen’s Director of Financial Services alongside a team of fellow, um, non-bankers. Jeremy joined us at the beginning of February with the sole objective of saving City types from the attention of Michael’s wilder notions. What’s worse, clients seem to prefer Jeremy to other consultancies – so the work is flowing in rapidly. Fortunately, with Z/Yen building Zaroo’s global FatCatCity (look out for "Who Wants to Be a Zillionaire!") Jeremy is able to exercise his former computer gaming skills as well so the poor banking clients get a respite. Watch out for Morgan Goldman high up in the Atari charts (I think you meant SegaNintendoWorld - Ed).