Wanna Bet?

Tuesday, 01 March 2005
By Now&ZYen


Michael Mainelli and Sam Dibb's report - "Betting on the Future: Online Gambling Goes Mainstream Financial", published in December by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation - has been making waves as well as gaining coverage in the national and gambling press.

Michael and Sam wrote on "Betting Shop or Potential Launderette?" only to be followed, coincidentally, by an announcement on 20 January that a 'risk assessment' to discover if criminals or terrorists are using Britain's bookmaking industry for money-laundering has been ordered by HM Treasury. The assessment follows a request by Richard Caborn, the Sports Minister and will be carried out by the National Criminal Intelligence Service, though naturally Z/Yen would be happy to conduct the risk/reward study!

In the report, Michael and Sam made some specific predictions, including a 5 to 1 speculation on a mutual exchange emerging, which they called YourBet. Coincidentally, Betbull plc announced on 12 February 2005 that it will become a co-operative exchange. Michael and Sam made a number of other predictions and, at this rate, we predict that these announcements may run and run. For a copy of the report, please contact Michael.