Time Is Running Out For WABBO

Friday, 01 December 2006
By Now&ZYen


Regular readers will be aware of Z/Yen’s involvement in the national Payroll Giving Grants campaign since its launch in January 2005. Payroll Giving gives businesses the chance to offer their employees a tax-effective way of donating to their favourite good causes.

Helen Davies, Ian Harris and Linda Cook have been running the information service, undertaking research and providing analytic data.

The Government funded programme, tagged “We’ll All Be Better Off” (abbreviated to WABBO) provides grants of up to £500 to organizations employing fewer than 500 people to help them set up payroll giving schemes. When you factor in tax relief, a monthly Payroll Giving donation of £10 costs a higher rate taxpayer only £6. In addition, for the first six months of an employee’s Payroll Giving, the Government will match up to £10 per month pound for pound, making the donation worth £20 to the charity.

December 2006 marks the end of the programme, and the last chance for small businesses to receive this cash payment simply for establishing a Payroll Giving scheme. It’s quick and easy to set up and run, if you haven’t already done so, now is the time.

We suggest that you give Helen Davies a call on the dedicated enquiry line number, 0845 602 6786 (or indeed the regular Z/Yen number) if you want further information or help putting this into action before the end of the year.