The Way Forward - Risk From Reward

Wednesday, 26 April 1995
By Now&ZYen

This month sees the launch of a company which offers a radical new way of doing business. Z/Yen specialises in risk/reward, with the facility to provide venture capital to emerging organisations. Where appropriate Z/Yen will also provide a combination of financial and advisory services in exchange for equity or other stakes.

Z/Yen has developed a risk/reward methodology based on analytical techniques from a number of sectors which manage risk. The methodology consists of a strategic framework, supporting software, procedures, case studies and report formats. This formula has been applied to strategic, financial, human resource and information technology planning, as well as marketing plans, fraud investigations, reserves analysis, systems reviews and cost-effectiveness studies.

Z/Yen was created as a direct result of the Arthur Andersen, Binder Hamlyn merger. Several of the directors have been senior employees with one or both practices. Their collective fields of expertise include: accountancy, strategic business development, engineering, information technology, logistics, manufacturing, and outsourcing.

Z/Yen director, Stuart Otter, says:

"Companies today are now experienced purchasers of professional services. At Z/Yen we are committed to sharing the risks and benefits of our work with clients. Often these take the form of performance-related fees. We believe that Z/Yen has a powerful blend of entrepreneurs and practitioners who can turn a client's vision into reality".

There is already considerable interest in the business and commercial sectors. Clients on-board include: CMS, ICS, PSG etc.......

For further information please contact: Linda Cook Tel: (020) 7562 9562.