The One ‘L’ Milet, It’s A Publishing Firm

Wednesday, 01 March 2000
By Now&ZYen

As the dedicated reader can discern, Ogden Nash wrote for Z/Yen. Those of you obsessed with millet the grain, Millet the sporting goods outfit or milllet the mispellling, will be pleased to know that Milet was not an April Fools joke. Z/Yen were pleased to announce their investment in Milet earlier this month and things have decidedly taken off with several new deals and book announcements, including Now & Z/Yen: Clean Business Cuisine (more to come in the next issue!). Strangely, the joint MD’s, Patti and Sedat, were quick to put in their first travel expense to the Bologna Book Fair. Afficionados (that’s Italian you know) of Z/Yen literature may be surprised to learn that not all bologna is in writing. Bring us back a sausage!