The One ‘L’ Llama, He’s A Priest

Wednesday, 01 March 2000
By Now&ZYen

Tantric, Mantric and Yantric (yes, those of you who think only of sex and drugs have missed one) pursuers of true enlightenment are surely aware that the Global Ether/Wheel of Life/Cosmic Continuity/Total Togetherness are alive with news from the ancient Kingdom of Bhutan. Yes, Himalaya Harris, Conqueror of the Seven Extremely Low Peaks Without Which the View from Nepal to Mount Everest Would Be Slightly Improved, has provided consultancy advice to the masses – but Lo (the one L lo), without charging. Blissfully dismissing the dismissable offence, i.e. not charging, Ian has graced the pages of Newsweek in the Kingdom. With the Great Guru’s advice (not quite the exact translation from the official language, Dzongkha) we soon expect the population of nearly 2 million to raise their GDP from the current £1.5 billion. Who needs dot.coms when you can invest in a risk/reward view? On the other hand, perhaps the CIA has a deeper understanding of why "international telephone and telegraph service is by landline through India; a satellite earth station was planned (1990)". A global conspiracy to deprive Himalayan nations from Z/Yen communication?