The Humorous Risk/Reward Management Novel

Tuesday, 01 September 2009
By Now&ZYen

Clean Business Cuisine, the best-selling, humorous risk/reward management novel, is now a killer serial on-line. Clean Business Cuisine is a novel modeled as a rediscovered ancient business text. It comprises a series of stories (or case studies) which are set around the workings of an ancient laundry and restaurant. Clean Business Cuisine was a Sunday Times book of the week when first published in the summer of 2000 and was recommended by Waterstones Piccadilly for Christmas. In an extraordinary break with publishing tradition, Z/Yen Communications Limited, which owns all rights to the work, serialized monthly Clean Business Cuisine on the world-wide-web.

Ian Harris, who together with Michael Mainelli wrote the book, explains why this seeming giveaway is in fact an opportunity to make a quick buck. “Clean Business Cuisine has sold brilliantly and in a most unusual way. A high percentage of sales have been satisfied customers placing bulk orders as gifts or as fun educational tools. The design of the physical book is stunning. We believe that allowing wider access to the work on-line will generate huge sales of the physical book, after which placing the film rights will be a mere formality. Brad Pitt would make a fine Lo Fan. Seriously, this idea should not only help sell even more copies of the book but it will also allow people who don’t have £15 to spare to read the book.”