The Going Is Good…

Thursday, 01 November 2001
By Now&ZYen


Z/Yen people and punters enjoyed a day at the races (or "Practical Risk/Reward Training" for tax purposes) on October 5th, organised by our in-house betting expert Mary O’Callaghan. Lingfield Park was the venue and the weather and going were both good. Infuriatingly, Michael Mainelli won consistently and claimed it was pure luck and nothing to do with his client’s Stochastic Perception engine in his pocket. Sadly, most of the rest of us did the predictable thing (lost hopelessly). The biggest loser of all was Mary O’Callaghan herself, once Ian Harris learned that October 5th was the last day of the old betting tax regime. Z/Yen prides itself on unsurpassed tax planning, so Mary is in deep trouble for missing this simple tax point and failing to organise the event a day or few later.