Sweep Of The Month

Saturday, 30 June 2001
By Now&ZYen


When Michael Mainelli announced that he was going to "pop in to the office for half-an-hour" during a day’s leave, the Z/Yen aficionados sniggered. Some bright spark suggested a sweepstake on how long Michael would actually stay. Giles Wright won by guessing 140 minutes; very close to the actual "145 minute half-hour". Ian Harris was fuming that he came second with 165 minutes despite inside knowledge. Michael, naturally, was oblivious to the whole thing, although he and Giles were later seen swapping cash in a dark alley – probably Giles’ debts to the coffee pool. Sweepstakes are very risk/reward, so Now & Z/Yen is seeking ideas for future sweeps. Suggestions so far:

  • How many runs Ian Harris will score in the Children’s Society cricket match (except that everyone wants to bet on the duck’s egg);
  • How many times Z/Yen’s social away day is rescheduled due to clients.