Sustainable Governance

Saturday, 01 March 2008
By Now&ZYen


PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, founded in 1999 which promotes sustainably managed forests through independent third party certification, and works to provide a market for the products of those forests.

Over the past year, Z/Yen has been working closely with PEFC on a variety of projects, including an Image & Impact Assessment, an Organisational Location Assessment, and a Governance Study. Building on this successful work, PEFC has commissioned Z/Yen to develop and conduct a full Governance Review. The Governance Review follows from the organisation’s recently adopted Strategic Plan, which aims to increase membership, continue to strengthen certification standards of Members’ National Governing Bodies for forestry, and work with a broad group of stakeholders.

An International Panel of Experts is charged to make recommendations on strengthening PEFC’s governance, improving organisation effectiveness, and expanding engagement with a broader group of stakeholders. Chaired by Lord Jamie Lindsay and guided by six other experts in forestry, environmental policy, and management, the Panel will review how PEFC carries out its Mission and continues to improve effectiveness in sustainable forestry management. In early February, Z/Yen hosted the first meeting of the Panel, convened to provide direction and oversight for the Review.

Interested parties are encouraged to share their opinions about the organisation and its governance structure by completing a survey as well as alert colleagues who might be interested in contributing. For more information, contact Alexander Knapp at Z/Yen.