Standard Issue

Thursday, 01 December 2005
By Now&ZYen

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) has appointed Michael Mainelli as a Non-Executive Director. Michael will help UKAS develop the profile of accreditation in the business community and across government. UKAS’s key role is as the “auditor of auditors” or the “measurer of measurers”.

UKAS is a commercial, non-profit-distributing company with an annual turnover in excess of £10m whose customers range from the BSI to small laboratories. Customers are firms who certify anything from ISO9000 to ISO14000 through to gas, electrical or fire fittings. For further information on UKAS and the role of accreditation go to:

Z/Yen's work on ISO9000, ISO14000, the Marine Stewardship Council's sustainable fish standards and the ISEAL Alliance, as well as many other certification schemes, paved the way for Michael gaining his expertise in certification & accreditation. Welcoming Michael’s appointment, Lord Lindsay, Chairman of UKAS, said, “We are enormously pleased to have access to Michael’s considerable expertise.” On the other hand, folks at Z/Yen were wondering who expertises the experts??? As Juvenal noted, “Quis custodiet…”