
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
By Now&ZYen


It's rare to find our in-house professor lost for words, but… Michael has scheduled a fun lecture, "It’s A Mad, Bad, Wonderful World: A Celebration Of Commercial Diversity" on Monday, 17 November 2008, 18:00, at Barnard’s Inn Hall in Gresham College. The billing is, "In some countries people haggle incessantly, in others to haggle is insulting. In many cities transportation costs are based on time rather than distance. On Alderney house buyers and house sellers both put up a deposit. This lecture examines how people use different commercial structures around the world and what we might learn from their strange ways."

Michael is asking the Z/Yen community for further suggestions on crazy, but thought-provoking, examples of alternative commercial practices they've seen in their travels. Naturally, credits will be given, so plan your summer holidays accordingly!