SpecialiZm - Optimising Experts

Monday, 30 June 2003
By Now&ZYen


Z/Yen has completed a major piece of research into interim management and the use of experts. This included over 100 personal interviews and an email questionnaire to which we had over 400 responses. The key findings indicate that 80% of "so-called interim management" assignments are specific, well-defined assignments rather than gap filling for absent staff. Well-defined assignments deliver success in 82% of cases, but only 66% of gap filling assignments are so perceived. Clients think that 93% of assignments are clearly defined at the outset, but the experts think only 67% are clearly defined. Therefore there is often a mismatch between the client and the expert's view of the brief. We believe that this research has turned Z/Yen into experts at successfully placing experts. The results of our research are published here on our website. Further information that will help you get the best out of using experts is available from our very own experts' expert, Mark Yeandle, who conducted most of the research.