Soju, Rum or Guinness?

Monday, 31 August 2009
By Now&ZYen


How to become a successful financial centre? Hire Z/Yen for a start… Mark and Michael continue to advise cities around the globe on how to become more competitive financial centres. Mark somehow manages to commandeer the more exotic locations - he is off to Seoul in early November - and is trying to organise another Caribbean adventure. Michael is staying closer to home, advising policy makers in London and also making an autumn trip to Dublin.

We are currently using PropheZy to determine the real drivers of city competitiveness and hope to publish our findings later this year. Meanwhile, The Global Financial Centres Index goes from strength to strength with GFCI 6 published by the City of London at the end of September. As always, we are very grateful for all responses, so please help if you can.