Smart Move For Parker

Thursday, 30 November 1995
By Now&ZYen

Dr Kevin Parker has joined Z/Yen Limited, the fast-moving, fast-growing risk/reward management firm. Kevin is an expert in new product development, international business management and technology management. His background includes 12 years on the fast track with BP, including managing Middle East distributors and setting up a pan-European lubricants organisation in the EC. More recently, Kevin has acquired near-guru status on the great success story of Eastern Europe - the peaceful and increasingly prosperous ex-Yugoslav republic of Slovenia. Kevin is a Chartered Chemist and a Sloan Fellow of London Business School. Kevin has chosen to join on one of Z/Yen's innovative "most-of-a-post" contracts, enabling him to devote some working time to non-Z/Yen activities. In January, Kevin will launch Z/Yen's first Scottish base, in Edinburgh.

Z/Yen director, Ian Harris, remarks "we are genuinely delighted that Kevin has chosen to join us. Our aim from the outset has been to build a risk/reward management practice of exceptional quality. By attracting people of Kevin's standing and professionalism, we should continue to go from strength to strength. We believe that Z/Yen is fast becoming 'the place to be' for high fliers who are attracted to the risk/reward approach to business management."

Kevin Parker sees it slightly differently. "Z/Yen was attractive to me for several reasons. Firstly, Z/Yen's risk/reward methodology is a truly exceptional approach to management decision making which is applicable to work as diverse as strategies, value for money studies, investment appraisals and quality reviews. Secondly, Z/Yen applies risk/reward to all its business dealings, including its relationship with Z/Yen people. Z/Yen was the only firm I spoke to who were willing to put together an imaginative, flexible package for me, most-of-a-post, which meets my needs and those of Z/Yen. It has been a pleasure doing business with Z/Yen so far and I am excited by the challenge of joining this innovative team."

For further information please contact Ian Harris: (020) 7562-9562 or Kevin Parker: (020) 7562-9562.

30 November 1995