Salmon Charted Evening

Monday, 01 January 2001
By Now&ZYen


"Happy Talk" - Z/Yen is delighted to have won several intriguing assignments with the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). The MSC aims to reverse one of the world's most urgent environmental problems - the destruction of the marine environment through overfishing. Z/Yen is helping the MSC in various ways, including clarifying its mission, aims and values, reviewing the MSC's governance structure and increasing the MSC's profile within the not-for-profit community. Ian Harris and Michael Mainelli are thus ensuring that the MSC "is Nothing Like a Tame" NGO.

In addition, our in-house actuarial scientist-to-be Rakesh Shah, who is "Younger Than Springtime", is busy using correlation, regression and real option theory to help prove the cost-benefit justification for the MSC's certification scheme for Alaskan salmon. As Rakesh is busy finishing his dissertation at the moment, he is producing his tables and charts for the salmon work in the evenings (hence the headline). Before you all write in complaining that we don't know our North Pacific from our South Pacific, we have ascertained from our long-term Aussie-temp, Mishel Vitlov, that some species of salmon are also indigenous to the South Pacific. "Bali Ha'i".