Replacement Three Letter Acronym

Friday, 31 August 2001
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen began working nearly three years ago on replacing the member databases for the trades union, UNISON. At 1.3 million members, this is the UK’s largest membership system, so a number of people have contributed to the Replacement Membership System (RMS) project. Contributions have ranged from Keith Ellender, Marie Logan, Chris Webb and David Hogarth through to the ubiquitous Michael, however the key person has been Angela Greenfield. Despite the challenges of managing a project which extends to training 1,500 staff, installing 13 regional systems and over 1,200 branch systems, as well as controlling a budget of over £4 million, Angela’s most pressing problem has been finding a way to keep the RMS three letter acronym after the system has been ‘replaced’. The competition so far has come up with Record Management System, Redundant … A big bottle of bolly bubbly to readers who come up with something our team can use PDQ!