Payroll Giving – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Friday, 23 November 2012
By Linda Cook

Z/Yen has been delighted to continue its work on payroll giving during 2012. We run the National Payroll Giving Centre, administered the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards and our own Ian Harris chaired the judging panel for the awards again this year.

The awards ceremony was held at The Treasury this year (relegated or promoted from No 11 Downing Street, depending on how you look on it) on 30 October. Sajid Javid (Economic Secretary to the Treasury) and Nick Hurd (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for The Civil Society) hosted the show along with Peter Lewis, the Institute of Fundraising’s Chief Executive.

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Nick Hurd muffed a few of his lines, announcing the runner-up as the winner in one category and calling the winner of the Individual Achievement award “Cary Grant”, rather than “Gary Grant”, before correcting himself.

A few days after the awards evening, Ian addressed a large group of charities with a special interest in payroll giving, together with the winner of the Best Overall Campaign Award, Robert Holdcroft Limited t/a McDonalds Restaurants Limited.

Z/Yen are no hypocrites when it comes to payroll giving; there is a new platimum category for the payroll giving quality mark this year – only a few dozen employers have qualified for it so far and Z/Yen is one of them, achieved through the successful, active promotion of our own payroll giving scheme.

If you want to know more about payroll giving, our very own Linda Cook and Sonya Raymond really are amongst the world’s leading experts. Get in touch with them directly through the Z/Yen office or indeed the National Payroll Giving Centre.