Payroll Giving And The National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards

Wednesday, 30 April 2008
By Now&ZYen


Z/Yen has been selected to continue running the Payroll Giving Centre, assuming a wider role. Tina Steele (formerly of BEN and the Institute of Fundraising; otherwise known as “Mrs Payroll Giving”) has finally hung up her Payroll Giving hat after approx 20 years, and we wish her well in her retirement. Linda Cook and Sonya Raymond will continue the Z/Yen work, with Mary O’Callaghan assuming the project management responsibilities.

It is a fitting tribute to Tina that, after her years of toil, her brainchild “The National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards” event has become an annual feature in the charity calendar.

This year’s event will be held at HM Treasury on 8 October 2008. Anyone holding a Gold, Silver or Bronze Quality Mark Certificate is eligible to enter for the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards and also to register their interest in attending the presentation event in October. For further details on award categories and application forms see the Payroll Giving Centre website. The closing date for entries is 11 July 2008. Our very own Ian Harris will chair the Judging Panel again this year; one of Ian’s favourite tasks of the summer.