Odds And Sods

Wednesday, 01 March 2000
By Now&ZYen


Yes, Z/Yen seeks to clean up the odd sod. On 11 May, we are pleased to host a Reflective Repast featuring John Gummer MP, looking at cleaning up the environment. The topic for the dinner is "Do Good Principles Make Good Profits?". John will be speaking in his capacity as Chairman of an organisation we are happy to support, the Marine Stewardship Council. Contact Michael Mainelli for more information. Look out for a number of new banking clients including Commerzbank and Lehman Brothers. Be forewarned – the final Lady Daphne Boating Bourses on technology will be held in April, May and June, so do feel free to ring up the office and book your place if you intend to be in London on one of our sailing days.