Following some rather peculiar correspondence and heated discussion with Companies House, the great quango has decreed that all of the Z/Yen group companies will be incorporated as of today. This follows a comedy of errors in which Z/Yen Holdings, Z/Yen Group and Z/Yen Mutual Managers were rejected (for being holding companies without subsidiaries/subsidiaries without a holding company) but the three "orphans" were all incorporated. Companies House has admitted that Z/Yen was at fault (naturally), but on this occasion the easiest way to rectify the situation is for Companies House to incorporate all the remaining companies.
I have been given the go a head to undertake a Sales and Marketing Growth Initiative for a distribution client – planning began yesterday – the project will begin in anger in the latter part of the month. This month, for the same client, I should also be undertaking a short investigation of a possible takeover target.
My charity IT strategy job is now well underway – it will peak over the next three weeks and then "tail" for ages no doubt, as charity jobs do.
My short Government tender project for an insurance sector client will largely be completed by the end of this week. There might also be a residual tail in this job (help with presentations, negotiations, etc)
An 18 staff consultancy in Brighton requires significant help over many months with strategy, marketing, financial management, IT, and quality (narrow brief). Significant fees, medium likelihood, risk/reward based remuneration a serious possibility – serious discussions late September/early October.
Small pieces of work with two charities on the cards over the next few weeks. One could turn into a larger project later. The other might tail for a while.
It’s official – it is much easier to register for VAT than it is to register a group of Companies. I have been personally registered for a couple of weeks now. Soon I shall find out whether it is easier to register a group of Companies for VAT than it Is to climb Mount Everest backwards without a crampon.
HM Inspector of Taxes has not been forthcoming about my personal tax situation nor about running a Schedule E payroll. A bit of a chase will be in order over the next week or so if I still don’t hear.
Hopefully can sort out the location of the office very soon - I hope to get the negotiations properly underway in the next week.
A multitude of insurances will mean a multitude of forms. Embarrassing questions about previous health record, what sort of business it is and all the rest. Once I have received the appropriate questionnaires I shall circulate them.
I shall see a suitable tame bank manager from the Royal Bank of Scotland as soon as we both are able. I just hope he doesn’t bill me by the hour for his lunch.
Appointment of auditors has not bubbled to the top of the urgent pile yet, but this I shall do before moving into an employer/employee situation in order to get check my elementary tax planning at the same time.
I shall start ordering stationary over the next few weeks or so – any strong feelings or final pleas re logos should be submitted PDQ.