Now & Z/Yen November 1997

Saturday, 01 November 1997
By Now&ZYen
Fired!! Now and Z/Yen Editor Pushed

Following numerous complaints from Now and Z/Yen readers, Z/Yen has rudely dismissed the editor of Now and Z/Yen, a cruel but fair step. Many readers complained that the once audacious journal had declined toward self congratulatory articles about Z/Yen’s project wins and "in-jokes" about Z/Yen staff. This unacceptable position could not be tolerated, so the editor quite simply had to go.

As much as anything else, we felt that a one page newsletter every two months or so barely justified a full post with seat on the Board of Directors. We feel sure that Now and Z/Yen readers will immediately notice the difference in style and the "straight in the bin brigade" will return to reading Now and Z/Yen in droves.

Assignments for Z/Yen Keep Rolling In

Z/Yen is pleased to announce a series of wins in the past few weeks. Hill & Knolton, part of the advertising and PR group WPP plc, has chosen Z/Yen to undertake several IT projects; the team includes Ian Harris, Geoffrey Rutland and Mike Smith. Belleview plc has asked Z/Yen to review EPOS systems in their Whistlestop chain of grocery stores. Mike Smith is leading this work. Setty Textiles has asked Z/Yen to undertake a strategic business review. Ian Harris is doing most of the work. The Women’s Royal Voluntary Service has selected Z/Yen in fierce competition to undertake an organisational IT strategy review. The team is Ian Harris, Mike Smith and Peter Flory.

Karen Moore Joins Z/Yen

Z/Yen is delighted to announce that Karen Moore has recently joined the team, hot foot from WH Smith and formerly British Gas. Karen’s primary role is to look after our client Taskforce 2000, the campaign for improving awareness and understanding of date change issues. Karen has already been filmed for Sky News and enjoyed that queasy feeling on sailing barge Lady Daphne, so she is a seasoned member of the team by the time you read this news.


What's In A Name?

Not wishing to be outdone by forward thinking egg heads Demos, whose directors take on futuristic names such as "Ferri 6", Z/Yen people are changing their names be deed poll. From now on, Michael Mainelli will be known as "Mainelli 2", Karen Moore will be "Kari MM", Ian Harris will be "Harri c" and Roxane Recordon will be known as "Roxy Music"