Now & Z/Yen November 1995

Wednesday, 01 November 1995
By Now&ZYen

One Year On, Z/Yen Moves Onwards And Upwards


Z/Yen is trilled to announce that it has reached its first birthday and has celebrated with a change of image for ‘Now and Z/Yen’ plus a new head office location (see address below)

We have experienced such substantial growth over the past few months that we needed additional space. Significant new accounts include:

  • British Gas plc
  • Deutsche Morgan Grenfell
  • Cancer Research UK
  • Argonaut Software and Argonaut Technologies
  • Several Eastern European Banks

We remain committed to office hoteling, telecommuting and the use of technology to maximise the central office requirements. Most of our joiners will not be based in the City office. A traditional business of our size and scope would require four to six and scope would require four to six times as much space, together with all the additional overheads that extra space implies.

Stop Taking The CO(NH2)2!

The European Fertilizer Manufacturers’ Association (EFMA) have appointed Z/Yen to examine economic and environmental issues in the Urea and Ammonium Nitrate markets.

Our report is likely to form the main argument in an impending European Court case.

The prestigious win further establishes risk/reward analysis as the preferred way to look at markets, organisations and investments.

The team is Kevin Parker, Ian Harris, Michael Mainelli and Sudhanshu Palsule. The assignment started in October and should be completed in November.

Announcing Z/Yen’s Joiners: Alan Beeston And Kevin Parker

We are genuinely delighted to announce that Alan Beeston and Kevin Parker have joined Z/Yen.

Both bring impressive skill sets which include industry careers (David S Smith Packaging and British Petroleum respectively), MBA qualifications and consultancy experience. Although we have referred to them as ‘joiners’, neither brings carpentry skills as far as we are aware!

Alan joins on a full post, while Kevin has opted for ‘most-of-a-post’ in order to persevere with his niche work (eg advising Slovenian exporters). We wish them both the very best for the future.