Now & Z/Yen May 2008

Thursday, 01 May 2008
By Now&ZYen

Here Comes The Summer, Here Comes The CCITDG

Z/Yen is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a three year contract to undertake the Charities Consortium IT Directors’ Group (known as CCITDG – and try saying that after a couple of G&Ts) benchmarking. This venture is bursting with bright ideas, only some of which originate from Z/Yen. All members of the CCITDG (currently 87) will participate in the core benchmarking as a benefit and requirement of membership. In true Z/Yen style, the benchmarking will be dynamic; i.e. participants will be able to choose when they wish to participate. There will be several optional modules for members to participate in if they wish.

The new-style CCITDG benchmarking will be launched in June. For more information on CCITDG see


One of the new ideas is to provide an IT benchmarking framework that would be useful to organisations other than charities and thus to enable the charities to compare themselves with other organisations that might be relevant to them. For example, we are already in discussions with the British Computer Society, hoping to widen out the environmental module to allow participation from many sectors. Mary O’Callaghan is leading the work along with Ian Harris, but several other members of the Z/Yen team are likely to be involved as the venture unfolds. Please contact Mary or Ian if you think you or your organisation has something to offer this innovative and exciting venture.

It’s WiZe To SpecialiZe

In case you missed it, SpecialiZm has undergone something of a rebranding and relaunch since its previous incarnation as Z/Yen’s expert resource division.

In deference to industry convention, it is now an interim management provider and sources high-level interim managers and Non-Executive directors for blue-chip companies across the UK, Europe and the Middle East.

The business continues to be led by Shums Cassim following its spin-out from Z/Yen last year; Z/Yen retains a minority interest in SpecialiZm. Shums is always delighted to speak to functional leaders from any discipline or sector, who have a track record of delivering results. Established managers or those interested in taking the plunge are both welcome. He can be contacted on 020 7562 0580 or



It's rare to find our in-house professor lost for words, but… Michael has scheduled a fun lecture, "It’s A Mad, Bad, Wonderful World: A Celebration Of Commercial Diversity" on Monday, 17 November 2008, 18:00, at Barnard’s Inn Hall in Gresham College. The billing is, "In some countries people haggle incessantly, in others to haggle is insulting. In many cities transportation costs are based on time rather than distance. On Alderney house buyers and house sellers both put up a deposit. This lecture examines how people use different commercial structures around the world and what we might learn from their strange ways."

Michael is asking the Z/Yen community for further suggestions on crazy, but thought-provoking, examples of alternative commercial practices they've seen in their travels. Naturally, credits will be given, so plan your summer holidays accordingly!

‘Indices Going Up’


Our innovative approach to creating indices continues to go from strength to strength. The City of London have re-appointed Z/Yen to continue running the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) for the next two years – GFCI 4 is to be published in September 2008.

Cities including (in strictly alphabetical order) Brussels, Budapest, Dubai, Frankfurt, Monaco, Moscow, Mumbai, New York, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Tokyo and Toronto have all contacted us for advice about becoming more competitive centres for financial services. GFCI continues to attract a great deal of media interest, whilst Mark and Michael have been making appearances on CNBC and Bloomberg and at international conferences from Moscow to Toronto. (Who needs summer holidays in such circumstances?)

The Global Intellectual Property Index (GIPI), launched at the beginning of May by European law firm Taylor Wessing presents a statistical comparison of how jurisdictions are viewed in terms of ‘IP competitiveness’. Jurisdictions are rated as places in which to obtain, exploit, enforce & attack the three main types of IP: trademarks, patents and copyright. The results of the GIPI show five ‘tiers’ of IP competitiveness, with UK, USA, Germany in Tier 1 and Netherlands, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and France in Tier 2. Full results can be found here.

Please participate in both surveys here.

Payroll Giving and the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards

Z/Yen has been selected to continue running the Payroll Giving Centre, assuming a wider role. Tina Steele (formerly of BEN and the Institute of Fundraising; otherwise known as “Mrs Payroll Giving”) has finally hung up her Payroll Giving hat after approx 20 years, and we wish her well in her retirement. Linda Cook and Sonya Raymond will continue the Z/Yen work, with Mary O’Callaghan assuming the project management responsibilities.


It is a fitting tribute to Tina that, after her years of toil, her brainchild “The National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards” event has become an annual feature in the charity calendar.

This year’s event will be held at HM Treasury on 8 October 2008. Anyone holding a Gold, Silver or Bronze Quality Mark Certificate is eligible to enter for the National Payroll Giving Excellence Awards and also to register their interest in attending the presentation event in October. For further details on award categories and application forms see the Payroll Giving Portal website. The closing date for entries is 11 July 2008. Our very own Ian Harris will chair the Judging Panel again this year; one of Ian’s favourite tasks of the summer.