Now & Z/Yen June 2000

Sunday, 25 June 2000
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen Welcomes Summer


Well it’s here and boy are we enjoying it. Jeremy (shorts and knobbly knees) Smith and Ian (don’t ask) Harris are prepared for the warmest and driest summer ever. Recent trips on the Lady Daphne have seen huge numbers of guests stripped to the waist and sun-bathing. Michael has gone to Iceland where he is partying all night, Marie has gone to Cornwall on a wine-tasting tour and the rest of us are sweltering in the office (or at least we were until the hi-tech air-conditioning plant was installed). Late News: We can also categorically state that the man pictured naked at Stonehenge the other day had nothing to do with Z/Yen.

Key Note Speaker


Z/Yen’s presence in the charities sector was further enhanced by Michael Mainelli’s keynote speech at the recent Charity Finance Directors Group Conference. Michael’s talk, which was reviewed in the Guardian presented three scenarios for the charity sector in 20 years time. Each of these scenarios had been developed using the latest crystal ball technology. In particular, Michael predicted that the charities sector would become the career of choice for politicians, replacing the House of Lords.

Reflective Repast

A few weeks ago on the Lady Daphne, Z/Yen and a dozen or so distinguished guests, including the Rt. Hon. John Gummer MP debated the proposition "Do Good Principles make Good Profits". A sprightly conversation followed lubricated by liberal quantities of fine wines, port and Armagnac.

The Beach Book of the Summer (you mean you haven’t heard about it???)

The London offices of Z/Yen have changed focus from consultancy to publishing with the upcoming publication of Michael Mainelli and Ian Harris’s bodice-ripping, blockbuster "Clean Business Cuisine - Now and Z/Yen". In conjunction with our publishing partners, Milet, every printing press in Europe has been commandeered to ensure that market demand for this new page-turner can be satisfied.



In the last issue, we announced the creation of the Competitive Cost Comparison Club whereby Z/Yen was combining its core skills for consultancy and counting to come-up with a catalogue of consolidated costs covering the Capital Markets. (that’s enough alliteration – Ed.). Data gathering for the club is now in full flow for the equity and debt markets and a Foreign Exchange and Money Market (FX/MM) study is under consideration. Friends of Z/Yen who have colleagues in major banks who would like to take part in the FX/MM study should contact Jeremy Smith.

Faith, Hope & Charity

Unfortunately, we have not yet won any assignments in the Faith and Hope sectors but our work in the Charity sector continues. Marie (Inter-City) Logan& Mary (Northern-Line) O’Callaghan continue to be supported by Ian (Shank’s Pony) Harris as they take over the Sector. Grants, drug development, scientific research, social work databases, more grants, technology infra-structure, focus groups, more grants, performance evaluation are all areas currently supported by the wand’ring stars.Interestingly, the effect of working with The Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation has not yet encouraged healthy eating and lifestyle commitments from our consultants. Concerns have been raised about their childish ways however, though these are not due in any part to the long-term relationship with The Children’s Society.

And A Big Welcome……

To new joiner Tanya Aslan who is managing publicity and marketing and to associates Angela Greenfield, Shelley Kainth, Helen Leale-Green and Giles Wright.


Those of you who have visited the Z/Yen offices recently will have seen a major change – people. Yes, everyday brings a new challenge to Linda and Rox as they juggle ever increasing numbers of office based staff. Rumours of new offices abound – watch our space.