Z/Yen can now boast a blue chip corporation element to its client list. Next week, I shall be running strategy workshops with senior human resources managers in one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. Strangely, the client has not yet got round to announcing this momentous occasion to the Stock Exchange. They probably realised that it would receive ample coverage in Now and Z/Yen.
The IT strategy work at our distribution client has now begun in earnest; various outsourcing suppliers are getting visits from a moustached gentleman from a new business named Z/Yen. What can it all mean? Meanwhile, the Sales and Marketing growth initiative begins this coming week with a programme of workshops over the next few weeks.
My charity IT strategy job is 2/3rds complete. The first feedback meeting with the client core team went down well this week. Monitoring the situation for any possible sell on.
Both of the charity prospects reported last time have come up with a few days work that serve to keep the relationship going. More on these when there is more to tell.
A meeting on the Brighton-based consultancy lead is scheduled for early October. The outcome of the meeting will be reported in the next newsletter or possibly even in person (see "Z/Yen ting" below).
Our new hunter up in Likely (Moor bar tat) has a few tricks up his sleeve, including an Eastern European Bank or two and a major utility. Doubtless we shall hear more on these shortly.
Our friends and prospective landlords in Gresham Street have a possible lead with an American Bank that also sounds interesting. Our other banking expert to follow up and report back shortly.
Hopefully we shall all meet on 7 October to discuss life, the universe and everything. A mixture of short term issues (e.g. is this property OK for a while?), medium term issues (e.g. are these IT and telecoms ideas OK) and longer term issues (e.g. where the hell are we going?) should be enough to fill an agenda.
Comments on Now and Z/Yen, as always, are welcomed. Please fax articles and ideas through for the next issue (copy date 24 Sept 1994). See you all, Z/Yen!