My Lords And Ladies

Wednesday, 01 December 2004
By Now&ZYen

For the past year Michael has been the Chairman of the Broad Street Ward Club, parading about the City with his ceremonial badge of a lion (or cat). There are 25 Ward Clubs in the City of London representing the electors. Broad Street is the largest club with over 250 members, dates to 1278 and, in the Christmas panto spirit, has links with Dick Whittington and his cat (or lion). And talking of links: Z/Yen staff, particularly Linda, Helen and Becky, have been helping Michael organise a series of fascinating monthly events that culminated in a recent luncheon for the Lord Mayor of London and his delightful wife Fiona at the Guildhall for 220 people. At the luncheon it wasn't exactly Ten Lords-a-Leaping but it was heaps of fun for all, including Sherriffs, Aldermen, Ambassadors, Rectors... The main course was lamb, but don’t get excited Giles, it was chops, not kebabs. Fortunately, Michael steps down next year and the pressure on the office should fall - Three-Ladies-Dancing in the streets of Broad Street Ward.