Michael And Ian Gold, Z/Yen Platinum

Wednesday, 25 July 2012
By Now&ZYen

We are thrilled to announce that Z/Yen has been awarded a Platinum Quality Mark Award to mark Z/Yen staff's continued contribution to charity through payroll giving. The Platinum Quality Mark Award was launched at Downing Street last October. Z/Yen is one of the first 30 companies in the UK to receive this accolade, which is a great achievement.

HM Government has made the award, based on Z/Yen meeting challenging crtieria for good practice and improvement. However, the Payroll Giving Centre actually issues the awards which Z/Yen facilitate on behalf of the Institute of Fundraising and HM Government.

For more information about how to set up a Payroll Giving scheme see our website. If you have any other questions relation to Payroll Giving please call 0845 602 6786 or email enquiry@payrollgiving.co.uk. Payroll Giving is an excellent and easy-peasy way to support your own personal chosen charity/charities in a totally tax free way.