Loony Tunes

Thursday, 30 September 1999
By Now&ZYen


As part of the Z/Yen office re-furbishment and re-organisation, Jo Hughes has computerised the library and the team is computer referencing the filing system. Being Z/Yen, Linda Cook is livening up the process by insisting that all physical locations (filing cabinet drawers in most cases) are named after cartoon characters. The usual bottle of Z/Yen bubbly is up for grabs if you provide the best ideas. So far we think that the CV drawer should be named Pinocchio. In particular, we would like to know which Z/Yen people’s personnel files should appear in the following drawers: Grumpy, Pepe le Pew, Wile E Coyote, Daisy Duck, the Tasmanian Devil, Dastardly & Mutley, Olive Oyl, Elmer Fudd, Goofy, Shaggy, Betty Boop. Only polite suggestions for locating client files, please.