London Consultant To Move To Asia

Friday, 23 July 2004
By Now&ZYen

July 2004

Z/Yen is expanding to Asia to globalize the consulting group's research and benchmarking service offering. The consulting group has established a presence in Singapore and will first focus on conducting a benchmark on the operational performance of securities processing among financial institutions there. The survey assesses operational efficiencies such as failed transaction rates and how these relate to customer satisfaction.

The move is driven by clients that have a global business and want the research and benchmarks to reflect the geographic scope of their financial business, said Jeremy Smith, partner at Z/Yen. The London-based consultant has expanded in the financial services sector in the last four years and established a presence in Europe and the U.S. last year. Z/Yen has since extended its survey to include foreign exchange and over-the-counter derivatives processing.