Since landing a strategic review for the National Association of Master Bakers (don’t try to say that name while tipsy), looking at the Bakers’ Benevolent Society, Ian Harris’s puns have simply got worse. “Let’s help them raise dough” is one of his better efforts. “We’ll help them make more bread” is even more predictable. Also, Ian’s attempts at self-aggrandisement seem to know no bounds. No doubt linking “Bakers” with our strategic role with the Marine Stewardship Council, he not only refers to “loaves and fishes” all the time, he also tried to turn water into wine at the Z/Yen Christmas Party and claims to have walked back across the Thames from the South Bank venue afterwards. Hopefully our other new charity clients, Rethink (severe mental illness) and Action for Blind People will help reduce his delusion levels and increase his insight levels respectively. Seriously, this is an exciting run of new charity clients, which further reinforces Z/Yen’s position in the sector.