Little Bits Make A Lot Of Quanta

Tuesday, 01 December 1998
By Now&ZYen


Sticking his neck out even further than usual, Michael Mainelli has become heavily involved in working on computing’s next generation (no rekkie jokes) – the quantum computer.

Michael is working with a few leading players in R&D and finance on developments in quantum computing and, more likely to occur rapidly, quantum cryptography. Currently the team is examining a prototype secure quantum network for implementation in one financial market next year. Forced to explain the upside-down world of quantum physics, Michael has written his most obscure paper to date, and that’s saying something – maybe it’s because this time he knows something about what he’s doing.

Z/Yen is offering free paper (covered on one side with portions of Michael’s work) to any insomniac clients and friends. Just ask Jane Beazley for a copy.