Jumping Jack Flash, It’s British Gas, Gas, Gas

Friday, 30 June 1995
By Now&ZYen

Z/Yen is thrilled to announce that it has officially replaced the hackneyed phrase "Z/Yen is delighted to announce" with the infinitely snappier "Z/Yen is thrilled to announce". Z/Yen is also thrilled to announce that it has embarked on a substantial IT assignment to establish a contract management team for British Gas plc. Having won the work in Competition against Goliaths such as Price Waterhouse, the team currently consists of John Thompson and Stuart Otter, who are doing the first phase of work during July and August.


In their desire to assert themselves, our fine team decided to launch some symbolic rockets at a training event (the team has not explained the exact nature of the symbolism sought). Sadly, rocket science Hamleys-style backfired and the rockets went sideways rather than upwards, landing in an adjacent garden. Out whizz-kids demonstrated their extensive diplomacy skills by calming down the owner of the invaded property, turning a potential problem into a happy ending. The moral of this story: Z/Yen is an ideal choice for setting up a contract management team, but you’re better off asking British Gas to get your central heating started.