Josie Rochford, Z/Yen’s most tenacious summer intern (2003 and well beyond summer 2005) will sadly be leaving shortly. She has a message and a request for us all:
“Having mastered the secret art of Z/Yen’s (extremely useful and necessary) new purchase, The Electronic Binding Machine, I will unfortunately be taking this valuable knowledge away with me when I leave the comforts of the Z/Yen office to attempt the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro in January. Having been well looked after by my Zany colleagues at St Helen’s Place for the past 6 months, I shall be sad to leave, but am looking forward to the challenge of climbing the highest mountain in Africa. Meanwhile, if anyone cares to assist me in the equally daunting challenge of raising sponsorship for the Kanyike Project in Uganda, I (and the project) would most appreciate any donations.”
Z/Yen wishes Josie well with her travels and hopes she overcomes her fixation with electronic binding soon.