It’s WiZe To SpecialiZe

Wednesday, 30 April 2008
By Now&ZYen

In case you missed it, SpecialiZm has undergone something of a rebranding and relaunch since its previous incarnation as Z/Yen’s expert resource division.

In deference to industry convention, it is now an interim management provider and sources high-level interim managers and Non-Executive directors for blue-chip companies across the UK, Europe and the Middle East.

The business continues to be led by Shums Cassim following its spin-out from Z/Yen last year; Z/Yen retains a minority interest in SpecialiZm. Shums is always delighted to speak to functional leaders from any discipline or sector, who have a track record of delivering results. Established managers or those interested in taking the plunge are both welcome. He can be contacted on 020 7562-0580 or