A Z/Yen group has been to see Echo and the Bunnymen at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire. Messrs. Harris, Mainelli, Pay, Smith and friends formed the group (the Z/Yen group that is, provisionally named the “Z Club 7”). Reminded of their younger days, they each downed several pints of black frothy liquid and while Jeremy was getting re-acquanted with the mosh-pit, the others soon got into between-song banter.
“What is the most environmentally friendly group in the world?: Eco and the Bunnymen. What is the most self-centred group in the world?: Ego and the Bunnymen. The most logical?: Ergo…The least environmentally friendly?: Esso…The most envious?: Iago…The most greedy?: Gekko and the Moneymen.
Rumours of a Z Club 7 tribute single “Bring on the Stochastic Processes” are sadly premature.