Z/Yen has built a large number of predictive systems over the years to help people analyse risk/reward patterns. This has led to that well-known ogre, Michael, working with that less well-known nice guy, Alan Helmore-Simpson, for the last few months on Z/Yen's Auguri research project. Auguri is a suite of statistical software that uses sophisticated techniques to classify & model multivariate data to make predictions on new data (and draw pretty pictures). Clients use Auguri to identify patterns or anomalies in order to “get a detailed grip on the big picture.” Z/Yen is already trialing Auguri on predicting television audiences, financial markets, sales targets and audit costs. And the name? No, not from "ogre", rather "Auguri" is Italian for “best wishes” or ”good omens”, and comes from an old English word “augury”, referring to the skill of Roman priests in foretelling the future.